Blogging Online Wordpress Or Blogger?

Blogging Online Wordpress Or Blogger?

If you are thinking to yourself Blogger or Wordpress? And you cannot make a decision. I am gonna give you a few reasons to ditch Blogger and go the Wordpress route. Blogger changes their terms of service quite frequently and if you violate them at any given time guess what Blogger can do? You guessed it! They can delete all your hard work at the push of a button, so tread very carefully if you are even considering using Blogger especially if you are an affiliate marketer, or are trying to make long term residual income from that particular online blog.

A lot of Blogger blogs are being deleted these days in fact I know of 1 that received between 2000- 2500 unique visitors a day that was deleted for no good apparent reason. 4 years of back breaking work essentially flushed down the toilet. I wonder what is going through that guys mind? I would think that he had a backup of all his content and he wil l hopefully be back up and running fairly soon under a diferent domain and actual webhosting. But the damage is already done, he will not have that same kind of traffic for a long while. But that is the price you pay when you build your house on quicksand, and let someone else control your business.
Why Use A Self Hosted Wordpress Blog?

The answer to that question is very simple for all the reasons stated above and more. You can control your own content, and actually have a legitimate online business that you have control over not someone else.

The Wordpress blogs look way more professional in my opinion and have tons of widgets, and add ons to give your Wordpress blog that edge to make it stand out in the search engines. Nothing screams professional like a self hosted Wordpress blog. Nothing screams unprofessional like a free blogging platform like Blogger. Now do not get me wrong Blogger does have a few advantages, but if you are looking to build a long term income off of your blog, then you are gonna want to protect your assetts, and go with the main blogging platform of the professionals. A self hosted Wordpress blog. Build an online business by getting cheap webhosting and firing up a Wordpress blog!

For more tips on blogging, and Internet marketing check out my Wordpress blog at

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