The 10 Best Blogs for Realtors
For agents and brokers who are looking to get ahead in the business, solidify their branding, learn new marketing strategies, and improve their lead conversion, the internet has become a virtual cornucopia of information. Thanks to the web, real estate agents from around the globe are able to share ideas, ask questions, and discuss relevant issues.
Blogs in particular provide a timely source of information and market news. There are numerous realty-related blogs on the web, but due to their very nature, blogs can quickly become outdated or obsolete. It can be very time consuming to sift through the blogs in order to find ones worth reading, so to save you the hassle, here are 10 blogs that offer realtors valuable information, expert advice, and entertainment all at once.
Bloodhound Blog -
BloodhoundBlog is a real estate market and technology blog that discusses industry news, the National Association of Realtors, the role of real estate agents, and web marketing. With contributing authors of various specialties such as mortgage brokers, SEO's, and agents, BloodhoundBlog is authoritative and edgy. Recent posts include: Can a Realtor Truly be a Consumer Advocate? and Is NAR Criminal or Clueless? What Difference does it Make?
Inman Blog -
From the folks at Inman News, Inman Blog features Real Estate and Technology News for Agents, Brokers, and Investors. Posts cover everything from social marketing, improving one's online marketing campaign, as well as the latest technology for realty-related websites. There are also contests and surveys that aim to take the pulse of the national real estate scene. Recent subjects included The Truth about Real Estate Compensation, and Confessions of a NAR Economist."
The Real Estate Tomato -
Known for providing juicy blogging advice for realtors, the Real Estate Tomato is geared towards the tech savvy realtor who understands the importance of blogging to get website traffic, attract clients, and to establish oneself as an authority. In addition to blogging, the Tomato also talks about social networking sites such as Twitter, techniques for search engine optimization, and the latest trends in marketing online. A recent topic was: An Honest Look at the Impact of Video on your Real Estate Blog.
Real Estate Investing for Real -
This blog is an offshoot of, a popular site dedicated to real estate investing. Recent topics included Is your Real Estate Website Committing this Conversion Killer? and How to Create an Effective Business Social Networking Profile. Informative and current, this blog is a great educational tool for investo rs and agents alike.
Future of Real Estate Marketing -
As the title suggests, the 'Future' blog is all about e-marketing and utilizing the latest website technologies. Photosynth Could Spark Virtual Earth Comeback is one of the site's recent posts.
The Real Estate Bloggers -
Providing Real Estate, Mortgage, and Development News the Real Estate Bloggers focuses on a variety of topics, including creative marketing techniques. Recent posts include $1 Million Real Estate Coupon Thinking Outside the Box, and Why the Chrysler and GM Deals will Raise Mortgage Rates.
Realty Thoughts -
With topics such as Why Realtors Need to Get iPhone Equipped and Delicious for Real Estate: Dwellicious, RealtyThoughts keeps agents and brokers on the cutting edge of real estate marketing, technology, and lead conversion.
CopyBlogger - CopyBlogge
Though not specifically geared towards real estate professionals, CopyBlogger is essential reading for anyone putting content on the web. Whether you're writing content for your website, or posting on a blog, CopyBlogger is extremely helpful in terms of attracting and converting leads. Recent subjects included The #1 Conversion Killer in your Copy (And How to Beat it) and Why Social Media Marketing."
Seth's Blog -
Like CopyBlogger, Seth's Blog is not directed towards the real estate industry. However, Seth's refreshingly honest commentary on marketing and sales techniques can be a great resource for agents and brokers. Customer service, marketing, and the philosophy of selling are discussed. Sample posts include On Becoming a Household Name," and Making Commercials for the Web." Seth's Blog is a great place to learn how to promote your brand and services.
It's Lovely! I'll Take It! -
Because even realtors need to laugh, It's Lovely! I'll Take It! is a hilarious blog that teaches realtors the importance of taking proper listing photos. The blog shows bad listing photos from around the world. Highlights include graffiti on the wall, blurry photos, bad angles, rundown houses, and shots of family pets. There are also notable shots of Nazi memorabilia, filled toilets, and naked people in the background. What's so fantastic (aside from the biting commentary the author provides) is that the shots have been taken by real agents, and used to market their properties. Learn how NOT to market your listing by following the hilarity on this blog. You'll learn a lot.
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November 23, 2013 at 1:51 AM