Wordpress Autoblogs Themes

Blogging has become the most popular option expressing individual content on the web.
Autoblogs WordPress automatically posts content from RSS feeds to different blogs on the WordPress Multisite network.

The main reason for using autoblogs is to earn money; therefore, it is necessary to have an optimized and attractive page.

One of the easiest ways to make money online is to manage a blog by constantly uploading some content for viewers to read.

The great thing about Wordpress Autoblogs is the variety of free add-ons including themes and plugins. The theme must be clear, easy to navigate and to create an attractive visual appearance of the website.

After setting up the general structure of the Autoblogs must be change the Wordpress theme. The default Wordpress Theme is Twenty Ten. Clicking on Appearance-Themes-Install Themes on the top of the page will change the original theme. For Autoblogs, the most adequate theme which allows management and control of the automated content and menus is Suffusion. This theme is also free and gives the change to create a basic but professional look. It is extremely easy to install Suffusion theme by typing the name in the search field then install and activate.

There are many configurations offered by Suffusion Wordpress Theme which allow everyone to create a unique site.

For changing Color Scheme need to click on Theme Skinning and choose on the Theme Selection page the color desired. Never forget to save the changes made.

The Header menu provides the possibility to set up a header image for the blog. To achieve a certain look must follow several steps from the Header menu: Custom style-Header Layout Style-Header Background Image Type-Background Image Tiling-Background Image Position Scroll down to Blog Title-Description and Height of the Header Image. There is also different combination depending on each preference.

Categories option on the Main Navigation Bar allows RSS feeds to place articles into the Home Page menu to specific categories.

Others advanced themes beside Suffusion, are Genesis and Thesis theme.

Genesis is an optimized autoblogs theme easy to modify, to add affiliate banners or AdSense.

Thesis theme seems to be the most used SEO WordPress theme on the Internet. Thesis is cheaper than Genesis because is not necessary to buy child theme to get widgetized header.

There is a variety of themes from different areas such as cars, animals, beauty architecture, books, art, games, cartoon which depend on the version of Windows that anyone uses.

Wordpress autoblogs themes based on colorful mindset are perfect for teenager news site and contain many options, which will propel the site faster on rank in the search engine.
In an interesting twist, WordPress themes can become a source of earning money by creating a website that charges for every theme download. Some buyers may pay only to set up or to upgrade the theme wanted. Another way to make money with WordPress themes is to modify existing themes or create themes according to the client requests. Autoblogs can produce hundred of dollars a month only by investing some time, creativity and new articles every day.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software


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