Make Money Reality Show presents Make Money Autoblogging
Is it Possible to make money autoblogging? Are you wondering and asking if anyone can make money with autoblogging?
This is the question I had to ask myself when I had to decide if I should be a challenger to Make Money Reality Show challenge where as a Contestant I need to make money with ethical autoblogging!
Are you wondering what is ethical autoblogging? Should we first explore what is autoblogging?
Autoblogging is really automatic blogging in simpler terms. This means that you are automating the blog content, automating blog posting and sometimes even the blog promotion to a limited extent.
The main benefit in this technique is that you can have as many autoblogs you can plan for as you are not spending much time maintaining them and all of these run on their run. This used to be a very popular technique for adsense blogs when Google was concerned about the content quality. Once Google started paying attention to content, many of these type of blogs were literally abandoned overnight. Many made hundreds, thousands and even big money using this business plan in those good old days!
Many smart developers realized that they can translate the content using freely available translation engines and the translated content will be relatively unique compared with the original content. This is a well known technique in the auto blogging field but this is normally a gray hat marketing.
My make money autoblogging challenge does not allow any of these type of tactics and it is totally based on the ethical autoblogging. Since I am not allowed to change the original content through any type of reprocessing of the original content, this can be termed as ethical autoblogging.
So the main question is if I can make any money using ethical autoblogging!
This is a tough challenge yet I decided to challenge my limits and accept this challenge. I launched five brand new blogs for the brand new toys launched in this year. These are high tech toys and my plan is first get indexed in Google's top Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) and thereafter be on the top page of the Google SERP. Once I start getting some traffic, then I will start monetizing with Google Adsense and Amazon Products.
Watch me launch my brand new blogs and watch each episode to see if I am winning or struggling. I need your help to share with me your ideas so that I can succeed.
Help me achieve this challenge so that I do get the confidence that I can do it!
While you watch the challenge, remember you can learn a lot from my successes as well as my failures or should I say learning!
Learn to make money autoblogging along with me so that you can do it once I do it.
iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software