Quickly diagnose Instant SEO Site Review

Last week we featured interview with Scott Hendison SEO Automatic and it made me to try out their free SEO tools. Instant SEO Review was my first choice, because I like to compare different SEO analyzers on and all-in-one diagnostic tool .
This one is distinguished by a number of reasons:
is not so much focus on the pure numbers(number of characters Title and meta tags, the amount of text and links, etc.) contains useful information about each point of diagnosis.
Tools uses the following icons to visualize the report:

Known Issues

worth reviewing

Items Correct(or are?)
Free SEO Report contains the following sections: 1 . The title tag is
title tag is generally considered one of the most important on page factor is not ranked.
This is what is displayed as a headline in the ranking of search results and also helps determine whether a viewer click on the result or not.
title tag also shows the blue bar at the top of the browser window, but does not actually show the left.
2 Tag Description
description tag is what you will read in search results when deciding whether to click on the listing.
While not necessarily rating factor per se, it should be completely unique to each page, and apply only to this site. Thats why Google Webmaster Tools is now a point when you have duplicates.
3 H1 Heading Tag
H1 tag is arguably the most important words to words in the title, because it is in the page header.
If the header is not visible and important, as someone has to know what is on the page
4 H2 header tag
If you have a page long enough for many newspapers, you want to make sure that using one H1 tag, but you can use the H2 tag, or more, which want.
Some people prefer to use bold instead of the H2 tags, or number of the H3, H4, etc., and I believe that all have a positive impact on the ranking. Use them.
Note: W hat I miss here some basic analysis of the structure of the items which reflects the semantic structure of the page.
5 Meta tag keyword
keyword tag is not considered a factor in this ranking by search engines more time, and most SEO ignore them.
However, I personally think that the importance of this factor may once again change, and tagging your pages, pictures, videos, etc. It is a very good thing, because the effort is so minimal.
6 ALT Tags for images
ALT tag was designed for blind visitors to see what an image.
With Google Universal Search, the ALT key tags will help your sites images often appear in search results.
Besides actually pointing to the absence or presence of each element, the tool also extracts and provides the list, which helps structuralize SEO report.
In general, little seemed to be a useful tool for the novice user. There seem to be too detailed to be overwhelming and too simple, to encourage users to use some instant changes.

Via: LLseo Watch - blackhat seo campaign
Description of Source:
blackhat seo blog about seo skills,seo tips,pay per click marketing,free seo tools down,free seo books.
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