How To Take Bold Steps To Financial Freedom Using "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind"

In December 2005, I was fortunate to be able to attend a life-changing 3 day seminar in New Jersey, USA called "Millionaire Mind Intensive". Two months earlier I'd read T Harv Eker's bestselling book "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind" and realized that Eker's approach provided the clearest route to financial freedom I'd ever found. Today, I came across my notes from the seminar and want to share a few real "gems" with all coaches, trainers and therapists who are committed to taking bold steps to financial freedom.

Your comfort zone is in direct proportion to your income zone the more you increase your comfort zone, the more you increase your income. Make a decision to achieve a challenging goal and don't leave the scene of the decision without taking at least one small step towards the realisation of your goal. Because your subconscious mind's main job is protection and security, it'd rather keep you where you are. When you say to yourself "I know that", the mind shuts off. If you live it, you know it and this is the only way you know something for sure. Another key point I picked up is that it's not what we don't know that keeps us from succeeding, but what we know that just isn't so. There is always stuff that we need to "unlearn" when taking significant steps to financial freedom. A standard education and much of your upbringing probably taught you security; but security won't take you to financial freedom in any sort of sensible timescale. "How you do anything is how you do everything". This reminds me of something my dear Mum drummed into me at a very early age "Do what you do well Boy". It's vital to expect higher standards and more of yourself than anyone else has the right to expect. When playing the money game, the reason most people don't succeed is because they don't know what they want. Clarity leads to power and the ability to do or act. The essence of winning the money game is to have choice. Achieving financial freedom is simply a choice and within reach of every coach, therapist or trainer who is currently trading their limited and valuable time for money. What's your definition of financial freedom? One is that you are financially free once passive income is greater than monthly expenses, so calculate what that number is and hold it as your intention. Another definition is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money. Ensure that you have both investment income and passive business income working for you. By establishing multiple streams of passive income, you'll take far bigger steps to financial freedom as a coach, therapist or trainer. Having created financial freedom, then move onto creating wealth and abundance. Put the financial freedom formula into practice with these 5 critical factors: Working income Savings Investments Passive income SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE (this is often the easiest and best place to start)


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