Make Money with Your iPhone

Track Wifi Access Points.

Navizon is a peer-to-peer �virtual GPS� system that triangulates data collected from users with GPS devices, wifi signals and cell phone towers. In this way, those that do not have GPS systems can still benefit from location-mapping and finding services within the Navizon community. With Navizon, you can find nearby stores and other necessary locations, use its buddy tracker, and getotag items.

And now, Navizon is available for the iPhone via or iBricker. Alternatively, you can get it directly through the zip file. For those without GPS systems, the service isn�t free. It will cost you $24.95, though you can enjoy a free trial for 15 days before making a final decision. Those with a GPS system can earn cash rewards by letting the Navizon system record wifi and cell phone tower locations through your device. For each wifi access point and tower logged, you earn points, which can eventually be red eemed for cash.

Your iPhone Photos
A number of factors have changed the photography world. The Internet has created a whole new market with a limitless demand for images � even if not everyone actually pays for them, and those who do often have very limited budgets. Microstock, Flickr and a host of other services have broken down the barriers between producers and buyers so that anyone � and not just professionals � can offer images to people who might need them. And cameras are everywhere. That�s not just because almost everyone now owns at least a simple point-and-shoot while professional-quality DSLRs are within the reach of even budget-conscious enthusiasts. It�s also because just about every decent mobile phone comes with a camera included.

With estimated sales of more than 10 million units then, the iPhone should be every photopreneur�s most valuable tool: a camera they carry everywhere without even noticing.

With just two megapixels, you might just scrape past iStockPhoto�s 1200 x 1600 pixel minimum but you�re not going to be producing gallery-sized prints from your iPhone. The inability to play with the camera�s settings gives little, if any, control over lighting and, of course, you�re stuck with the iPhone�s tiny lens.

It is possible though to produce interesting pictures with an iPhone. CultofMac recently ran a number of concert pictures shot with an iPhone, some of which went beyond snaps to show some interesting effects. At least eighteen iPhone photos have made it to Flickr�s Explore page.

But it�s still going to be hard to sell an image from an iPhone. Buyers, after all, don�t care whether the image was shot with a top-of-the-range Hasselblad or through a pin-hole camera. They only care about the result. Getting a good result from an iPhone will always be a challenge and telling the buyer that the picture might be grainy but it was shot with a very cool mobile phone is unlikely to close the deal.

But does that mean it�s impossible to sell a picture from an iPhone?

We haven�t come across anyone who�s actually done it but we do wonder what it might take.

Exclusive access could be one requirement. InStyle�s account of New York Fashion Week in February 2008 featured a number of behind-the-scenes images of reporter Katrina Szish interviewing leading designers. Those images were shot on an iPhone by Michael Hopkins and were presumably included in the report because InStyle didn�t have anything else they could use.

When the subject is hard to come by � and there�s a demand for it � there�s always an opportunity to make a sale. Matt Pagel, for example, put his photograph of the new de Young museum in San Francisco on Flickr after he was one of the first people to gain access to the building. The interest in his picture led to the photo being printed in Icon magazine and later sold as a print.

Matt�s picture w asn�t shot on an iPhone but if you have an one, it�s always with you. That means you�ve always got a chance to take pictures of events and subjects that other people miss � and might want.

Contests can be another way of making your iPhone pictures pay, although they have to be pretty specialized. The annual iPhone Photography Awards, launched last year, promised a 20 inch iMac to the winning entry. In the end, the winner apparently received an iPod Touch instead, and this year, the first three winners �will be publicized on IPPA online gallery and published in the IPPA Annual Book.� That�s not going to make anyone rich.

Kelby Training, on the other hand, creators of the iPhone Book, did a little better with a $500 Apple Store card as the first prize in their iPhone photography contest. The winner was free to exchange it for a $100 iTunes Gift Card and a copy of Kelby�s book.

Interestingly, while some of the winning entries were as head-scratching snappy as you might expect from a two megapixel mobile phone, the best in the show was as good as anything a better grade of camera might produce and underlined the old adage that good cameras don�t shoot good pictures, good photographers do.

And that might be the third way you can turn your iPhone into a photography money-making machine: make use of the phone�s strengths and weaknesses to create atmospheric pictures. You can sell them as a postcard, concert photos etc. The inability of iPhone users then to control shutter speed and aperture might mean that while the camera�s range is limited, shoot a light source at night and you�ll create one particular type of effect. If you can find a market for that effect � whether it�s on Zazzle or Cafepress products, postcards or even iPhone wallpaper � you might be able to turn a shot made on the spur of the moment into revenue. That could be especially true if you�re also a whiz with Photoshop.

Use the iPhone to take opportu nistic pictures, regard any specialized contests as a challenge and a chance to be a winner, and focus on the camera�s strengths rather than its limitations, you might just be able to find the occasional buyer for the result.

Selling iPhone Applications
Selling small Applications For the Apple iPhone. Did you know that iPhone has recently opened the doors to a new breed of "Mobile Millionaires" who are getting rich riding the coattails of one of the hottest products this century?

In fact, have you heard about Ethan Nicholas? He was struggling trying to pay his bills when he decided to see if he could make some spare cash with iPhone applications.

What happened next shocked him as much as it did everyone else. With his iPhone applications, he went on to make $800,000 in pure profit in his first 5 months!

Most general public isn�t aware of this yet, however there are currently many software applications for Apples� iPho ne being developed and there is no sign that demand for them is likely to decrease.

To put it simply, it means that NOW.. you have the opportunity to Cash in BIG on this rapidly growing applications software market for arguably one of the most popular wireless phone on the planet. And you don�t even need to know anything about software development or programming.

Every day more and more people are waking up to this opportunity, so jump ahead of the pack and get instant access to the entire system and all the bonuses material right away so you can get your iPhone App business started immediately TODAY!

If you want to know more about this opportunity, just send me an email �

Top Choice Points

Ever wanted to make some money with your iPhone? Well here you have a little something for those that like freebies: The Top Choice! app. It allows you to earn iTunes credits by filling surveys.Each brief s urvey will give you Top Choice Points.

These Top Choice Points can be redeemed for iTunes credits, which allow you to purchase anything available in the iTunes store, including music, videos, and paid iPhone apps.
How does it work?
The moment that you complete a survey, the results are instantly available, so that you can see exactly how your responses compare with everyone else�s.
Another nice fact is that the app is anonymous. Also Keep in mind that at the moment this app only gives credits for the U.S. iTunes store. And not surprisingly, the first The Top Choice survey deals with the US presidential election.

Develop FREE software
Can developing free software for mobile phones be a business? Illusion Labs from Sweden has shown the way of a promising business model for developers.

Illusion Lab is developing applications specifically for Apple's iPhone.

The first game they developed has become one of the most popular pieces of software for the iPhone. The game is called Labyrinth, a digital update to the old wooden box on which you maneuver a small silver ball through a maze while avoiding cut-out holes the ball could plunge into. The game, which is available for free from Apple's iTunes, is being downloaded 80,000 times a day and is getting rave reviews from users. "Controls extremely precise," wrote one person on iTunes. "Smooth, very fluid, and is realistic," wrote another.

While the game is free, its success could mean rich rewards for Illusion Labs. The company is selling a souped-up version of the game, which is also quite popular, for $6.99 on AppStore. AppStore is only one of the important market channels for selling your software.

Create advertisement games
Advertising agencies wants to have developed variations of certain games with their logos of advertisers embedded in them.

This is a new era for marketing and mob ile phones. In the past, phonemakers including Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola and wireless operators kept tight control over what people could do with their mobile phones. That's changing now, as wireless players let customers install new applications on their phones and go where they want on the mobile Web.

Develop iPhone Applications

Directory Services:
Picture this. You are walking down the street in San Jose looking for food. You type pizza into your phone, and 5 shops come up on the screen. How much do you think a company will pay to be the top listing. With limited screen real-estate, top placement will be more important than ever.

Charge to build custom enterprise apps:
All sorts of companies will want to integrate the iPhone into their operations. Restaurants could use it to enter orders. (Customers could download an app and even submit orders themsleves!) Think of all those visual basic and java homegrown apps your company as. As mobile become more and more important in the workplace, someone is going to have to provide the custom apps FAST.

Premium Content:
Give away your app free but then charge users to access premium, text, audio, and video content. Here the iPhone just becomes an extension of a web portal.

Think about the eBay application. How can you enable buyers and sellers to connect? Then how can you take a cut?

Develop an app that is focused, practical, and small in size. The smaller the app file, the faster it will run and the more enticing it is to potential buyers. If the app is too big, buyers might not have room for it on their iPhone, causing fewer people to buy it, and you might not make as much money with your iPhone app.

Avoid letting extra features sneak into your app. If they are important, save them, and after the initial release of your app, release a premium version with the extra features. This will allow you to sell the simpler release (for those who need a smaller app), but also have a more extensive app that you can charge more for.

Games with advertisement embedded into them

Tap Tap Revenge was released first as a free application in the jailbreak community before the App Store enabled him to monetize the endeavour. This allowed the game to get a loyal fan base to build slowly before the official release of the game on the App Store. This seems to be a good place to start, allowing people with hacked iPhones to act as beta testers for the final product.

Tap Tap Revenge is actually a free download, a fact which helped the music-rhythm game hit 1 million downloads in just two weeks. The profits for the makers are now only just being realised, with advertisements being placed in the game and a premium version being prepared for release.

There are lots ways to make money in mobile other than ads. Think about where you are in the value chain and consider all the options available to you.

Web Advertising

Many say Google AdSense is the way to go in advertising your app. This allows free advertisement on your app's pages. For first-time visitors or on sign-up and info pages, limit how many ads you put on the page to give it a cleaner, less-congested look. AdSense will optimize your app's Web presence and, in turn, you will make money with your iPhone apps.

Submit Your Apps to the Apple Web App Directory

Apple's Web app directory is the premiere listing of the newest applications. You won't find much traffic on other directories, so you should submit to the Apple directory. Once you submit, wait for Apple to review your app. This review is merely to see if your app is usable and functions correctly.

Once Apple reviews your app - which takes about a day - they'll put your app at the top of their chronological list. You'll get a lot of hits for the first few days because of your app's place at the top of the directory list. This is the most crucial part of your total revenue because it's when your app will be seen the most and you will make the most money with iPhone apps.

Resubmit Your Apps

Apple will re-list your app at the top of the directory if you resubmit your app with revisions. Fill out a resubmission form and fill out the "What's New" section. Even if your revisions are small and simple, you should still resubmit your product. This will increase visibility, placing you at the top of the directory list once again.

Always resubmit your app on a Thursday or Friday. Apple doesn't list apps during weekends, so the ones listed on Thursday and Friday stay at the top of the list the longest.

Repeat and Profit

All of these steps WILL help your iPhone app gain exposure and buyers, but they don't guarantee the success of your product. You MUST have a compelling, concise, practical, and efficient app. If your app fits this mold and you follow these steps, you will have success.

The key is coming up with a good idea, but the trick is showing your app to the world once it is created. Do this and you will make money with your iPhone apps.

A weekend of work, a million dollars. How is that possible? Discover how anyone can EASILY make money with iPhone apps with relatively little effort - even if you do not have any experience or know nothing about Objective-C with Cocoa Touch; the languages used in iPhone apps development.

Let me show you how its done, give me a signal at



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