Link Building Blog

Do you have a link building blog? If not, this is a good time to start putting together a strategy that will get you consistent incoming links to your blog. Incoming links and internal links are extremely important when it comes to getting your site ranked highly in the search engines so it's something that you're going to have to dedicate some time (and possibly money) towards.

There are many ways to get incoming links to your blog. I will mention some of the most important in this article.

Trading blogrolls (lists of links on your blog that lead to other blogs) is one method that people use to get others to link to their site. It's sort of a "you-scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours" concept. There are mixed fellings on using this for a couple of reasons. some people use the blogroll to link to other sites that they feel are valuable for thier visitors. Others mainly use them just to include the link and then to have their link on the other person's blog. This has the potential to become a political nightmare. You need to keep track of who you are allowing in your blogroll and if their blogs maintain a professional and informative status. If you drop anyone from your blogroll, you can rile some people up. On the other hand, you can gain many links fairly quickly with this strategy. It might be something worth trying out in your earlier blog days and then you can decide later on if it's working for you.

Participating in forums is a great way to get people to link to you. Just include your url in your signature when you make a comment or ask a question. Similarly, using your url in your email strategy can increase exposure to your site and increased exposure means increased potential for a link building blog.

Submiting articles is a sure-fire tried and true method for getting lots of links to your blog. But this one does take time. If you are an average (or better than average) writer and you have the time to decicate to writing articles consistently and submitting them consistently, this is a great way to gain status and links. Here you just have to make sure that you don't submit duplicate content. Many article directories can help you change various phrases within your content so that you can submit many different articles with different keywords instead of just the one original article that you've created.

A similar sort of concept involves you writing as a guest on other blogs. Just sign-up as a guest blogger for a professional, authoritative blog and you will see more and more people linking back to your blog.

Publishing videos on YouTube and then linking them back to your blog in your video description is a great way to get more traffic and more incoming links to your blog. Plus, it puts a little fun as go down the road towards obtaining a link building blog!



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