What Is Unclaimed Money And How Can One Get It Back?
Statistics shows that 7 out of 10 Americans have a staggering amount of money abandoned and they are not even aware of it. This is called unclaimed money and it is being held by the US Government. This may sound absolutely crazy but as shown by the facts, it is true. However, there is one national consumer advocacy organization and investigative firm that offers a free money search to help you get this lost money. This article will pass on step by step info on how to prevent such money from becoming unclaimed and if you are ever caught in this situation, you will learn how to get that lost amount you are owed.
Let's look at some of these common unclaimed items: Tax returns, security or utility deposits, uncashed payroll checks, travelers checks, money orders, unclaimed checks, refunds, unused gift certificates, unpaid insurance policies, unclaimed property, wages or commissions, safe deposit boxes, pension and military benefits, unclaimed assets, <a rel="nof ollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4959612']);" href="https://www.claimlostmoney.org/aboutus.php/">unclaimed money</a> and several hundreds more are some of the items that are lost. These are all being held by the US government but is now being made accessible to the public through our investigative firm and database.
Now the question arises- how on earth could someone just lose that much money? It may sound crazy at first, but we'll give you some examples that tell you how this money gets lost.
For example, your old relative may forget about an old saving account or maybe someone overpaid on a bill and the company they overpaid to did not have their current mailing address to send back the overage. Sometimes the company that owed them did not use sufficient postage when they mailed the payment. A lot of property becomes lost or abandoned when somebody changes their name or address due to marriage o r divorce. Property may also become lost if someone dies and their family or heirs do not know about a particular investment, bank account or other sources of funds that person had.
Even if one keeps perfect track of their records, these are situations that can escape one's notice.
Still, despite all your best efforts, if you suspect that you may be in such a situation (Heck, 7 of 10 Americans are!) there is an investigative firm and organization that can help you get these lost amounts and items that belong to you. All you need to do is visit our website and start a free search. We have a huge database with records that can help millions of Americans to claim the lost property or money of which they rightful owners of. So get up and claim your lost money right now!
To begin you free search for money or property please visit: www.claimlostmoney.org