Google Kits Scam - 3 Very Important Facts about Google Biz Kits That You Need to Know

You are about to learn about the Google Kits scam and 3 very important facts about the Google Biz Kits that you need to know. A lot of people have found this opportunity online and many have given their credit card information to get the kits. Find out below why you should avoid a Google kit at all costs.

1. Not Endorsed by Google: While it is possible to make money online with Google, both with their Adsense program and Google Adwords, Google itself does not sell a kit to show you how to do this. Many companies are using the name of Google to get people to sign up for their programs and it is wise to be aware of this fact. The names can vary from Google Biz Kits to Google Cash Kits; some may even drop the name Google but are still promoting the same idea.

2. Fine Print Reveals Hidden Charges: If you come across one o f these companies, it is imperative that you read the fine print before giving your credit card number. Although many of these companies charge a low shipping fee to receive the kit, many times they will charge your credit card on a monthly basis upwards of $80. The fine print often reveals that you will be enrolled in other programs as well that have trial days that later lead to monthly fees as well. In all, these charges could be greater than $100/month for life.

3. Often Hard to Cancel: Taking a chance on programs to enrich your life is human nature; you never know when an opportunity might just be the real thing. The trouble with giving some of these programs a try however is that it can often be difficult, if not impossible, to cancel the program once you have joined. Many times people have had t o resort to canceling their credit cards just to escape the huge monthly fees.

In this article we discussed Google kits and 3 facts that you should know about Google Biz Kits. These cash kits are not endorsed by Google and in fact, to make money with Google you do not need a kit to get started. Anyone can make money with Adsense and Adwords and while an education is needed in order to do well, a kit is not the answer. The fine print for these kits reveals hidden charges that most people never even see; these hidden charges can amount to hundreds if not thousands of dollars on your credit card if you are not careful. Once you have given your credit card number and have become aware of the charges and try to cancel, you may find that it is impossible to do so as reaching a human being isn't likely.



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